Zodiac – acrylic painting

Zodiac, 40×50 cm (12 pcs 10×10)

The soul of the newly born baby is marked for life by the pattern of the stars at the moment it comes into the world, unconsciously remembers it, and remains sensitive to the return of configurations of a similar kind.
― Johannes Kepler, Harmonies Of The World

Music theme: Zodiac – Talamasca [Full Album]

This one was fun to create! I thought of zodiac signs, their symbols and colours. The idea was to make them archetypal, simple and suggestive. My intention was to capture the basic mood of each sign with colours.

I used one big canvas 40 x 50 cm  for background, on which I’ve painted 4 elements: fire, earth, air and water. I’ve made elements in columns as the frame for their associated sign. Little remainder: Fire (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius) – Earth (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn) – Air (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius) – Water (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces).

I used 12 little canvases 10×10 cm to paint each zodiac sign. When dry, I hot-glued them to the big canvas.




My Body, Heart and Soul (I gave you) – acrylic painting

My body, heart and soul (I gave you), 24×30 cm
As a body everyone is single, as a soul never.
-Hermann Hesse

I believe that we all seek that True love.  Unity of body, heart and soul – interwoven and in harmony. Often this is lifelong search, often this is never found. But sometimes you find it. And that does not mean that the pain or yearning is over. It is never easy to love. But it is worth all the troubles, because the love is truly yours – not the other person’s. You feel it, you have it, you live it.

This is somewhat small painting, but I did put all my energy and emotions in this piece and I for me is strong, I almost feel that my soul glows on it. I’ve painted it in a difficult and highly emotional state of mind.

Symbolism is rather obvious: blood for Body, heart for Heart and glowing light for the Soul. Frame of old gold, symbolises the patina on the heart, from past injuries and aces.

The background is dark teal, because it contrasts red and gold. I made faux-frame with the palette knife, pressing it along the edges to leave the texture. When the painting was finished, I made dripping blood with the glue gun and painted it.



